Climate Resolve - Building collaborations to champion equitable climate solutions.
Climate Resolve builds collaborations to champion equitable climate solutions. We connect communities, organizations, and policymakers to address a global problem with local action. We inclusively develop practical initiatives that reduce climate pollution and prepare for climate impacts. Using our collective power to tackle climate change, we are creating a thriving California and inspiring others to act. Our purpose is a just and resilient future.
Since its launch in 2010, Climate Resolve has prioritized working with communities that are most affected by climate change impacts. The residents of these communities are predominantly Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Our work includes advocating in partnership with grassroots groups, assisting communities to obtain funding for climate solutions, and ensuring equitable implementation of climate legislation. As a collective, Climate Resolve staff have identified and made commitments to elevate racial, social, and environmental equity throughout all of our work.
With a firm understanding of where our materials are sourced from, we are able to make decisions that meet the needs of our customers. It allows us to determine how materials are sourced, the environmental impact of every point in the supply chain, and ultimately all the data needed to make a choice that meets our ethical and environmental standards. We set out to build a new standard and make a positive contribution to our planet and its future.